
About us
Company Profile Group Background Company History Features & Benefits

Yau Lee Group went public at the Hong Kong Stock Exchange in 1991. The Group was founded in 1958 and has been engaged in traditional building business since that. Today, Yau Lee has accumulated rich experience and become one of the leading construction companies in this field. Later on, Yau Lee Wah Concrete Precast Product Company Limited, established in 1997, mainly engages in four modules of business: concrete precast parts, steel molds, iron products, partition walls and construction materials. In 1998, VHSoft Technologies mostly focused on engineering drawing reading and recognition, auto-management system of engineering drawing calculator, electronic file selection, distribution technology, to name but a few. REC Engineering Co., Ltd. specializes in installing air-conditioning system, electrical facilities, fire protection system, water supply & drainage, and automatic building management system for various types of buildings. REC Green Technologies Co., Ltd. began the R&D of eco-friendly products in 2009. InnoVision Architects & Engineers Ltd. is a full-service planning, architecture and creative services organization with a diverse portfolio of experience and expertise. It delivers services across multiple markets with a deep understanding of the clients’ functional and budgetary needs. InnoVision is organized by areas of expertise rather than by discipline or location so that every project it takes on has access to the best of its talent and resources. Leena Theme Painting Limited is capable to create distinctive art works, including Venetian plaster, hand painted murals, brick, stone and all types of plaster finishes, texture finishes, metallic and pearl finishes, reactive finishes, character paint finish, faux finishes, scenic work, caving form and custom designs.

Yau Lee Group pioneered overseas markets as early as the 1990s, and has been widely recognized by our clients. The businesses of strategic importance have been carried out in China, Macau, Singapore and the United Arab Emirates, which include building construction, maintenance, renovation, piping and drainage project, electrical and mechanical engineering, manufacturing and sales of construction materials as well as components, property development, hotel and property investment, IT solutions and services, etc. The number of our employers reaches over 4,000 worldwide. Each of the subsidiaries of the Group focuses on one line of business and independent management culture, while maintaining close bond and cooperation with other sister companies of the Group. By drawing on one another, the firms have adopted mutually beneficial strategies, aiming to enhance efficiency and to reduce costs. Yau Lee Group is a flexible and creative team that never ceased to strive for better, which in return promote the company's operational efficiency and competitiveness. Therefore, our customers are provided with quality goods and services. Also, we go all out to explore more viable investment projects, thereby diversifying the Group's business scope.








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